Salary Periods

The staff management rosters always cover a period of one month at a time. The rostering itself, however, can be done on a weekly basis, since all summary views, scheduling, and analysis can be displayed in week sections in addition to month sections.

Still, there might be a requirement to view and reconcile hours and cost based on a custom date period, for example if the actual salary payout period is based on a different approach. This is not an issue, since the scheduling itself might be viewed at a week level, but the user can still define a custom period to summarize the figures across a month and/or week definition. Multiple analysis views can then be applied, based on the salary period, even a comparison of locations and one salary period to another.

The term "Salary period" is a flexible term, since it consist only of predefined date ranges, which are applied to the summary views and do not otherwise affect functionality, or even limit the export of the salary hour results to an external salary system.

Salary periods can be added or modified at any stage, without affecting other information or settings in the system. For example, if you need to compare one quarter to another, you could create those as Salary periods and then you can apply the comparison views based on salary periods.

Where to set up?

  • Go to the Setup menu in the Staff Management role center and click Salary Periods.

Where to view analysis based on periods?

  • Go to the Staff Management role center, click the Analysis action and then Salary Period.

What can you analyse based on periods?

The analysis options are:

  • Period Analysis - where the user can analyze one period specifically.
  • Location Period Analysis - where the user can see multiple periods for a single location.
  • Compare Period Analysis - where the user can see the same period for multiple locations.